Hey... gue balik lagi, anyway gue sekarang ikutan kursus academic writing...
Lo tau sendiri kan, gimana bahasa tulisan gue yang sangat jauh dari ilmiah. Padahal di dunia akademik ini gue butuh banget kemampuan nulis jurnal, makalah, laporan penelitian, bla bla bla... apalagi jaman sekarang apa apa dituntut dalam bahasa inggris. yaahh tapi gak ada yang ga mungkin gue pasti suatu hari bisa. Nah ini ada tulisan gue buat latihan, you may want to correct the grammar or something, I will be very happy


I understand that this life is full of mystery but sometimes we are not patience to see the end of the story. When I graduated from senior high school, I had a dream to continue my bachelor degree in ITB. Although God wrote a different script  instead of my hope. I was accepted in Diponegoro University, Semarang.  Later, when I graduated from my bachelor degree I am able to continue my master study in ITB.  I really want to enjoy every single moment in here. I wish that it is should be happen to me half decade ago. Nowdays, sometimes I got frustation because I can not reach my target to continue my master degree in Netherland. My TOEFL Score is not enough for the requirement. On the other hand, based on the experience I realize it might be the best script that God had written for me.

picture from
So, I joined with the academic writing class in which my spirit burned. I know that a hope to go abroad is still inside of my heart. I want to be a great people someday who never surrender to reach her big dream. Marie Curie, my favourite scientist said that there is nothing to feared in life. It is only to be understood. Those words is spinning in my head all day long. It makes me realize that all I need is trying to find the answer what things that God had scratched for me by doing everything in my very best. I do not need to be afraid what will be happened next since I keep believing and keep fighting.


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